Merriam Frank

Cut & Paste Artist


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Piece #2 proves right away how very different each one turns out from the others! No soft or serene pinks or blues here…



This one gave me a couple of fits before it would begin working for me! It actually started out horizontal, but I finally had to scrap it, turn it upright & try again. The only thing that is the same from the first try is the lion’s face with the female eyelashes & the dynamic between him and the half a girl/half a rose looking towards him. It was very “and so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” to me and I liked it very much. I also love all of the deep, jewel-tone colors (how appropriate to find text that said “living color”!) and the flock of tiny bows all over the piece.



E1211, framed

E1211, framed

[ For sale at ]

Author: merriamfrank

Cut & paste artist

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